Friday, November 22, 2013

November Spirit Assembly

Today was our November Spirit Assembly at Cherry Park. It was an exciting assembly for us because 2nd grade was responsible for teaching the entire school about the new Student of the Month trait! We worked super hard all week, practicing for our skit to teach the trait of being Attentive. These students gave up some of their recess time each day to practice and get ready for our skit.

Here are some pictures from our rehearsals:
Mr. Soule discusses the trait of the month.

Our wonderful actors getting ready to practice.

Malena and Joelle (left) and Bella, Lang and Tre (right)

We had 9 amazing (and very brave!) 2nd graders who participated and presented our skit to the whole school. From our class, we had Leilani, Amir, and Joelle. The students from Mr. Soule's class were Bella, Rose, and Lang. And from Mrs. Zurcher's class, we had Malena, Tre, and Aighlee.

Here is a video of our skit teaching the December trait of Attentive:
(make sure the sound is turned all the way up!)

In addition to the skit, our November Students of the Month were recognized. November's trait was Helpful.

Taverick and Alyssia were chosen as the helpful students for our class! Congratulations to these two very helpful students!

Their pictures will be displayed on the Student of the Month bulletin board for the next month.

Our next assembly will recognize our December Attentive Students of the Month. We are looking forward to that assembly and recognizing more Students of the Month!

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