Classroom Procedures

Important information for the beginning of the year and the rest of the school year is below. Please read through everything carefully! :)

Supply Fee: There is a $20 supply fee for each child for the school year. Please pay the $20 as soon as possible if you have not done so already. If you cannot pay the entire $20 at one time, we will happily accept $5 a month for four months.

Backpack: Please check your child’s backpack daily.  I will send notes and important papers home for you to see in it.  Some are time sensitive so please add this to your daily routine at home.

Wednesday Folder: Wednesday Folders will go out weekly. Please read through everything and sign and return the empty folder along with any papers that need to be returned to school.

Homework: Weekly homework assignments will be sent home in a blue folder on Wednesdays. Homework will be due the following Monday. Homework will include a reading log. Students are expected to read 75 minutes (15 minutes x 5 days) each week. Homework will also include skills practice on topics we are working on in class.

Schedule: This year we will be on a rotating ABC schedule. At the end of every month, I will send home a monthly calendar for the next month with our schedule. The following is our specials schedule for the year. A Day = Media (library books need to be returned in order to checkout a new book)...B Day = Music...C Day = P.E. (please make sure your child has appropriate shoes).

Water Bottle & Snack: Your child is encouraged to bring a water bottle to school. This allows them to get drinks as needed without the time and distraction of getting up to use the fountain. Water bottles need to have a lid and must contain only water – no juice or soda please. This year we will have lunch very late (12:15 pm). For this reason, I encourage you to send a small snack with your child each day. Please use the healthy snack guidelines to help you select something appropriate.

Birthdays: Celebrating birthdays is important to every child and we will do this at school.  If you would like to send treats for your child’s birthday, please let me know ahead of time and send it in the morning.  We will have it at lunchtime, so please send something small.  Please DO NOT send a cake to be cut up.

Volunteers: We love having volunteers in our classroom! I would love to have anyone come in to work with kids, make copies, or help prep materials throughout the year. If you did not sign up to help during Open House, it’s not too late! Send me an email and we can get a day and time scheduled! All volunteers must fill out a background check form, which can be picked up in the office.

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